Disease in Cattle: Control and Prevention

 Disease in Cattle: Control and Prevention

Gyandhara Cattle Feed not only manufactures best animal feed for cattle but also spread awareness about disease in cattle and also suggests the prevention. Cattle like cow, buffalo and other domesticated animal need protection from wind, rain, snow, excessive heat, and excessive sunshine. Trees are planted as windbreaks, and buildings and fences are placed so the wind is not deflected into feeding areas or sheds. An open-front shed provides protection from winter storms and hot summer sun. Each animal needs around 1.5 sq meter of cover. The shed should be open to the south or southeast, and the front should be high enough so the sun strikes the ground at the back on the shortest day of the winter. The back of the shed should be around 3 meter high. A covered feed bunk protects feed from weather damage and affords cattle added comfort when eating. Feed remains dry and palatable, and waste is reduced. Shades to provide relief from extreme summer heat are useful in feedlots where this is a major concern during the year.

One of the most important considerations in the construction of a feedlot is good drainage. The pens and alleyways should be well drained and easily accessible for scraping the ground surface as necessary. Good drainage requires a 6% slope. To avoid overstocking, each animal should be provided with 18 m2 of space in well-drained land and with 9 m2 in a paved lot.
